Help shape the future of hearing preventive care
Hearing aids defined hearing care for over two centuries
Today, the World Health Organization reports sobering statistics. Hearing loss is the second most common chronic disability, suffered by 1.5 billion people globally, with another 2.8 billion young adults, 50% of those aged 12 to 34, at risk.
Hearing aids can’t preserve hearing, nor do they address tinnitus and hyperacusis, common hearing loss-related neurological disorders. Research has shown untreated hearing loss is the #1 risk factor for dementia, a huge looming global health problem. Prevention is the best strategy because there are no pharmaceutical treatments for any of these disabilities, and none are expected any time soon.
It is time for something new
Soundbites is the first clinically proven routine for hearing preservation.
Rooted in over 30 years of pathbreaking biomedical auditory neuroscience research and known as ACEMg™ in peer-reviewed medical research journals, Soundbites is the first clinically proven preventive care routine for hearing. In 2023, data from a two-year real-world evidence study demonstrated Soundbites preserved or improved hearing within six months for 75.3% of daily users, an unprecedented hearing research milestone.
Compare the arrival of Soundbites to other preventive care milestones that have already transformed other aspects of health care.
Vision Care Supplements like PreserVision preserve eyesight.
Dental Health Toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, and regular checkups transformed oral health.
Skin Care Sunscreen prevents wrinkles and skin cancer.
Bone Health Calcium and Vitamin D maintain bone density.
Care for hearing like never before
Soundbites is the breakthrough your customers are searching for
Your customers know hearing loss is a risk and a problem. They’re right about that. Hearing loss now starts earlier in life, accelerated by digital sound tech and personal audio, dramatically impacting the hearing health of younger adults. They also know there’s nothing they can do about it. They’ve been right about that too, until Soundbites.
As an independent pharmacy, you’re uniquely positioned to offer a safe convenient routine that helps your customers keep the hearing they have. Schedule a meeting with our founder Barry Seifer to learn more.
A short history
Research started in the late 1980s by Dr. Josef M. Miller at the University of Michigan Medical School.
A lab study demonstrated that the micronutrient-plus vasodilator formula ACEMg maintains normal auditory function when noise intensity increases by 30dB, reducing noise-induced hearing loss by about 75%. The peer-reviewed paper was published in 2007 [1].
Translational research begins, supported by an NIH grant. First RCT study in Sweden [2].
ACEMg project moves to Amsterdam, supported by a European Commission translational research grant. Lab studies in Sweden and Spain. RCT study in Germany [3].
Soundbites test market in the Netherlands [4].
The Keep Hearing initiative nonprofit is formed to conduct ACEMg open access public health research and education programs.
ACEMg starts direct distribution as Soundbites® softgel capsules on soundbites.com under exclusive license from the University of Michigan.
A peer-reviewed paper is the definitive explanation of the ACEMg biochemical mechanism of action [5].
Data from a 2-year ACEMg real-world clinical study found that Soundbites preserves or improves hearing within six months for 75.3% of those who use it daily, an unprecedented achievement in hearing research [6]. Clinical findings are the basis for the OTIS Public Health Study.
The Keep Hearing Initiative posts ACEMg for the World, a five-session video series explaining the Soundbites 36-year medical research journey to health providers in a continuing education course, also available free to the public. [7]
The OTIS Study begins enrolling participants [8].
- Le Prell CG, Hughes LF, Miller JM. Free radical scavengers vitamins A, C, and E plus magnesium reduce noise trauma. Free Radic Biol Med. 2007 May 1;42(9):1454-63. Epub 2007 Feb 20. PMID: 17395018; PMCID: PMC1950331. Article on pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Le Prell CG, Johnson AC, Lindblad AC, Skjönsberg A, Ulfendahl M, Guire K, Green GE, Campbell KC, Miller JM. Increased vitamin plasma levels in Swedish military personnel treated with nutrients prior to automatic weapon training. Noise Health. 2011 Nov-Dec;13(55):432-43. doi: 10.4103/1463-1741.90317. PMID: 22122960; PMCID: PMC3783265. Article on pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- European Commission Framework 7 Medical Innovation grant 304925 to the ProHearing Consortium: A novel micronutrient-based strategy to prevent hearing impairments: test and road to market for age-related hearing loss and preservation of residual hearing. https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/304925
- 2017 Soundbites Amsterdam Dance Event launch aftermovie. https://vimeo.com/501043872
- Alvarado JC, Fuentes-Santamaría V, Melgar-Rojas P, Gabaldón-Ull MC, Cabanes-Sanchis JJ, Juiz JM. Oral Antioxidant Vitamins and Magnesium Limit Noise-Induced Hearing Loss by Promoting Sensory Hair Cell Survival: Role of Antioxidant Enzymes and Apoptosis Genes. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Nov 25;9(12):1177. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9121177
- Seifer, B., Detweiler, R., & Minor, L. A. (2024, April 12). Impact of the ACEMg Biomedicine on Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Auditory Function: Analysis of Real-World Clinical Data. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/uw7tq
- https://keephearing.org/for-the-world/
- ACEMg Hearing Preservation and Tinnitus Relief Study (OTISRWD). https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT06477354