Welcome to Soundbites

Soundbites is a breakthrough biomedicine for preserving hearing and cognitive health, safe for all ages and available without a prescription

With over three decades of university medical school studies, Soundbites harnesses the power of neuroprotectant antioxidants in a multi-patented formula clinically proven to preserve and improve hearing function within six months of daily use.  

Our commitment to safety and evidence-based clinical effectiveness makes Soundbites a trusted choice for clinicians and patients.

Learn more about Soundbites

Our nonprofit research and education partner Keep Hearing offers the continuing education (CE) course “SNHL & Soundbites.” 

The course covers the science of hearing and sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), the extensive research supporting our product, and how Soundbites works. Clinicians earn continuing education credits, and certification to offer Soundbites to patients.

Learn more about the course here.

Participate in Soundbites epidemiological research.

Soundbites certification enables clinicians to participate in the Soundbites real-world evidence/real-world data (RWE/RWD) study, the first epidemiological study to use objective data from otoacoustic emissions (OAE) examinations to help evolve a higher standard of evidence-based, preventive clinical care for hearing and cognitive health. 

The protocol for the 6-month epidemiological study expands findings from the two-year RWE/RWD study. 

Read the report here.

Participants take a baseline OAE exam before taking Soundbites, followed by OAE exams at 12- and 24-weeks after taking Soundbites. De-identified data is shared for analysis. Data analysis is reported back to each participating clinic, and aggregated for reporting to public health agencies.

Soundbites for all patients

We offer participating clinicians Soundbites kits, each containing three bottles of Soundbites softgels. Each box is sufficient for each 12 week period of the epidemiological study. Clinicians can also purchase individual bottles of Soundbites for sale to all patients.

Learn more and enroll in the SNHL & Soundbites CE course to enhance your knowledge about one of the most common health disabilities of our time and what you can do to help address it.

To access the shop for clinicians sign up and/or log in. 

Clinicians shop