How Soundbites Helps Against SNHL

How Soundbites Helps

Soundbites is a safe biomedicine regulated as a nutritional supplement for hearing preventive care. Soundbites is designed for daily use to replenish the precise, essential micronutrients hearing cells need to maintain their normal function, which extends their healthy lives.

Soundbites blocks excess inner ear oxidative stress

Soundbites avoids metabolic dysfunction in the cochlea by blocking the production of excess inner ear free radicals and promoting normal cochlear bloodflow, the root cause of SNHL.

Clinical Evidence

Soundbites is clinically proven to preserve or improve auditory function (hearing) within 6 months of daily use. The study, "Impact of the ACEMg Biomedicine on Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Auditory Function" is available for free download below:

Can You Get the Same Nutrients from Food?

Yes. To match the levels of antioxidants and minerals your ears need to stay healthy, eat 7 carrots, 1500 almonds, 10 bananas and 2 heads of brocolli a day.

10 Bananas

10 Bananas

150 Almonds

1500 Almonds

2 Heads of Broccoli

2 Heads of Broccoli

7 Carrots

7 Carrots

Or You Can Take Two Soundbites Pills.

Soundbites is a ten-pound dietary supplement cocktail in two pills. It is an elegantly simple, scientifically sophisticated way for you to feed your hearing cells just what they need to stay healthy, and help you keep the hearing you have. More convenient, lower in calories, less expensive.

soundbites cocktail

How Your Ears Process Sound and What Can Go Wrong

Your ears are intricate and sensitive organs that convert sound waves into electrical signals, but this process can go wrong when oxidative stress interferes with the cochlea. Let's explore how your ears work and what happens when oxidative stress causes hearing loss.

Normal Auditory Transduction

Normal Auditory Transduction

Sound waves enter the ear, causing vibrations in the cochlea. Hair cells within the cochlea convert these vibrations into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to the brain for processing. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this process occurs efficiently in a healthy auditory system when exposed to sound levels below potentially damaging thresholds (typically below 85 dB).

Metabolic Dysfunction

Auditory transduction goes wrong when inner ear oxidative stress disrupts normal cochlear metabolism. The disruption is caused by the overproduction of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), harmful molecules that cause oxidative stress and inflammation, which damages cochlear cells and leads to Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL).

Metabolic Dysfunction Illustration

With Soundbites onboard

Soundbites blocks excess inner ear ROS and promotes normal cochlear bloodlow. This prevents oxidative stress from damaging cochlear nerve cells and supporting cells, reducing neuro-inflammation and ensuring your inner ears continue functioning properly.

Metabolic Dysfunction Illustration