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Shepard Fairey Gets It.

Reasoning evolved to promote group cooperation, often prioritizing belonging over critical thinking. In the multiverse era, hearing health struggle...

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Inner Ear Hearing Loss

Why do so many people need hearing aids?

Persistent environmental noise is the primary culprit behind the global surge in hearing impairme...

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Swift Action | Real-World Evidence and clinical research for SSNHL

When unexpected health crises strike, quick action can determine whether someone recovers or suff...

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Hearing Preservation

The Future of Preventive Healthcare: A new era in hearing preservation

Preventive healthcare is becoming essential for long-term wellness, yet auditory health has lagge...

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Research and Oversight

Hearing regeneration drug development and tissue engineering

A recent press release from University College London stirred excitement with the headline, “Worl...

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Skepticism about dietary supplements for hearing and tinnitus points to a much larger problem.

The dietary supplement industry has flourished on the perception that supplements can significant...

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Is there a cure for tinnitus?

Despite what some may claim, there’s currently no cure for tinnitus. This persistent ringing or b...

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Does Covid give you tinnitus?

As the pandemic continues, more reports link COVID-19 to neurological issues, including tinnitus ...

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Living with tinnitus

Tinnitus, the medical term for ringing or buzzing in the ear, can leave a lasting impact on one’s...

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Cultural commentary

Shepard Fairey Gets It.

Reasoning evolved to promote group cooperation, often prioritizing belonging over critical thinki...

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Apple’s AirPods: An important contribution to hearing care

Apple’s latest AirPods feature aims to assist those with mild to moderate hearing loss, position...

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Covid-associated hearing loss

Emerging evidence links COVID-19 with potential hearing complications, including tinnitus and in...

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Does Covid give you tinnitus?

As the pandemic continues, more reports link COVID-19 to neurological issues, including tinnitus ...

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